Brick-to-click education is not a matter of if, but rather, now. In a constantly growing global community, education modalities are evolving to meet the demands of a knowledge-thirsty…
edX, a nonprofit platform affiliated with Harvard and MIT, provides open source software for anyone in the world with an internet connection. The courses are free and many…
Much has been written about how massive open online courses (MOOCs) have given rise to a cast of so-called "rockstar professors." While rockstar professors aren't actually a new…
With all the MOOCs available today, including the number of platforms and higher-ed institutions offering courses, it’s sometimes difficult to navigate the most credible—and most interesting—MOOCs that can…
One of the most prominent topics educators debate in ed-tech is the effectiveness of massive open online courses, better known as MOOCs. While many say students benefit from…
The massive open online course (MOOC) platform Udacity will no longer offer completion certificates for free, the company announced this week. While students can still take the courses…
Designing a blended learning course may seem complicated to people unfamiliar with the vast array of options blended learning provides, but EDUCAUSE, Instructure, and the University of Central…
The pizza bomber case made national headlines, inspired a book, and was the subject of several television news programs and documentaries. Now, it's the focus of an online…