College counseling in an AI world: A path to fair access
College admissions counseling has long been an accessory of the affluent, with private counseling often costing thousands–if not tens of thousands–of dollars.
Resolution to Re-enroll: More than 50% of Those Under 35 Plan to Return to School This Year
A recent survey among the growing population of U.S. adults with some college and no credential revealed 52% of those under 35 years old plan to re-enroll as part of their New Year’s resolutions, significantly higher than the 30% of all…
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Empowering teachers through video reflection and dynamic coaching
At the University at Buffalo Teacher Residency (UBTR), part of our innovative approach involves the integration of video reflection, a powerful process that fosters self-observation and critical inquiry.
Navigation and guidance in the age of AI: 5 trends to watch
Key points: Navigation and guidance is a critical resource, yet its remains woefully under-staffed. This challenge is reaching critical importance with the proliferation of nontraditional college pathways–navigation and guidance will…
4 areas poised to impact the future of higher education
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Meeting the needs of “the COVID cohort”
As higher-ed leaders strive to meet students’ expectations around the student experience, it’s critical for them to understand “the COVID cohort.”
More higher ed students embrace AI for active learning
U.S. college students have an increasingly positive perception of AI and are applying it to study more actively and efficiently, while educators see new opportunities to enhance instruction.
Higher education in flux: Students at the heart of change
Eliminating the U.S. Department of Education would fundamentally alter the landscape of federal student aid, leaving students in higher-learning institutions to navigate a more fragmented and inconsistent system.
Higher education in flux: Challenges and strategies for the teaching community
The U.S. Department of Education was established in 1980 to promote student achievement and ensure equal access to education. Its formation marked a significant federal commitment to overseeing and enhancing the nation’s educational framework.
Reshaping higher education: The impact of proposed federal changes on institutions
This article inaugurates a three-part series examining the prospective transformations within the U.S. Department of Education and the federal student loan system under President-elect Donald Trump’s administration.
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Strategies for discussing cheating with students
Discussing suspected cheating is probably the last thing faculty want to do, but it’s necessary for protecting academic integrity. You need to approach these conversations thoughtfully with planning, empathy, evidence, and an open mind.