
eSchool Media welcomes submitted articles from educators, industry experts, executives, and stakeholders. Submitting an article is not a guarantee of publication, but our editorial team is happy to work with you to produce a submitted piece that is suitable for publication.

All content received will be reviewed and posted at the sole discretion of eSchool Media. Submissions for webinars, conferences, or product promotions will not be posted. Please ensure you have secured approval for article publication from your organization BEFORE you submit. Submissions are not sent back to authors for pre-publication approval unless they require substantial editing or restructuring.

By submitting a contributed article, you acknowledge that the contributed article is your original work and that you have not used an AI tool to write your article.

If you have a press release you’d like to distribute, you may submit it for inclusion in our Newsline section by emailing

If you would like to submit an article for publication, please email Editorial Director Laura Ascione at

Submission Guidelines:
1. Submitted stories are 600-1,000 words in length.

2. Please include a brief 1- or 2-sentence author bio.

3. Please include any relevant links within the piece.

4. We accept submissions on a rolling basis, with no strict deadlines unless specified in your communications with an editor. We will not schedule a piece for publication until our editorial team has received the piece.

5. Try to write with a keyword/phrase in mind. Search engine optimization helps your story reach more people by appearing in online searches. If possible, think of a key phrase to use while writing your piece and incorporate it a few times (3-5 is a good goal) throughout the story, including in the first paragraph. Sometimes, a key phrase will come to you or make itself evident as you’re writing. For example, if you’re writing a piece about tips for remote learning, you might choose the phrase “remote learning strategies” and work that phrase into your writing. This piece uses the key phrase “home broadband access,” and incorporates the phrase into the headline and story in a way that doesn’t feel forced.

Examples of successful submitted articles:

If you are pitching/submitting an article written by an executive or company representative:

These pieces must be vendor-neutral in nature. They do not mention or promote the author’s company, products, or services. Instead, these pieces address larger trends or challenges in education, and they discuss potential solutions or next steps.

Below are two excellent examples of vendor-neutral pieces written by company executives: