Online Learning6 ways e-learning tools support healthcare education February 20, 2023February 14, 2023 by Jay T. Ripton, Contributing Writer, eCampus News E-learning tools in healthcare provide a range of benefits that can help reduce the strain on hospitals and other healthcare facilities
Online Learning4 considerations for remote proctoring systems February 20, 2023February 10, 2023 by Laura Ascione Principles for the responsible development of remote proctoring software include equity, privacy, security, accessibility, and efficacy
Online Learning6 things students want to know about their digital courses February 20, 2023January 24, 2023 by Laura Ascione It’s evident that before they enroll in digital learning experiences, students want to make sure that they are set up for success
Online LearningAs acceptance grows, 6 victories for online learning January 3, 2023 by Laura Ascione Students are demanding flexibility, and views of online learning are changing—especially in more traditional university settings
Online LearningThe right online learning experience will boost retention and engagement November 28, 2022 by Phill Miller, Managing Director, Open LMS Building engagement is one of the most unique and stubborn challenges for online learning, but it is achievable
Online LearningAttitudes toward online learning improved post-pandemic October 4, 2022 by Laura Ascione More respondents reported a fundamental preference for online learning this year than previously
Online LearningOnline learning is no longer novel—how can you stay ahead of the curve? February 24, 2023September 8, 2022 by Andrea Maconachy, EVP of Marketing, AllCampus Students know the value of online learning--they want to know the value and uniqueness of your online programs
Classroom InnovationA gamified career academy aims to boost student success August 22, 2022 by Laura Ascione Many forward-thinking institutions have experimented with gamifying courses with great success as they seek to bolster student success
Classroom InnovationCoding bootcamps could benefit from flipped learning August 18, 2022 by Ludovic Fourrage, Founder & CEO, Nucamp A flipped classroom model improves accessibility and affordability of coding bootcamps, meaning students can keep their jobs while also developing new skills in a new field
Campus LeadershipAre your digital learning tools helping STEM faculty and students? August 16, 2022 by Louise Krmpotic, Vice President, Educational Enterprise, DigitalEd Digital tools and online learning can and should be more than just a substitute for in-person instruction