How USF is breaking down information silos and igniting student success

The student success movement at USF is built on the simple, fundamental belief that every student will succeed   

What are innovation spaces, and do you need one?

Designated spaces for “tinkering” at some of the country’s most prestigious institutions may not only spur lifelong learning habits, but also produce social and technological innovations critical to…

The 5 phases of a campus-wide technology pilot

ePortfolio-committee-GWUThanks to the grassroots effort of an ad hoc committee at the George Washington University (GWU), students and faculty now have campus-wide access to a vetted ePortfolio program--an…

3 legitimate reasons why faculty aren’t using OER

Faculty across institutions aren't using Open Educational Resources (OER)—and the few who are often don’t know they're using them, says an industry report. And the main reasons why…