Classroom Innovation3 ways remote learning has forever changed my instruction December 30, 2020 by Phil Cox, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology and Chemistry, Azusa Pacific University Learn how a college professor found new strategies and tools to help manage one of the biggest academic disruptions in recent memory
Campus Leadership4 ways to embrace online teaching during COVID December 28, 2020 by Dianna Lai Read, Director of Communications, TopHat Learn how four instructors are keeping students on track using remote learning environments
Classroom Innovation10 tips for a great online class December 22, 2020 by J.A. Miller, Ph.D., Director of Learning Design, ansrsource Classes have moved online as campuses are closed in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic—here’s how to make the most of it
Classroom Innovation3 ways remote learning changed my instruction forever November 13, 2020July 7, 2020 by Phil Cox Learn how a college professor found new strategies and tools to help manage one of the biggest academic disruptions in recent memory
Classroom InnovationTo sync or async: Considerations for access in virtual learning November 20, 2020May 4, 2020 by James K. Winfield The sudden shift to all-online teaching has led many educators to wonder if they should avoid synchronous instruction altogether
IT LeadershipAdapting to online learning in a pinch (Part 3) March 8, 2021April 15, 2020 by Jared Stein, VP of Higher Education Strategy, Canvas by Instructure These three key ideas can help higher-ed institutions find their way forward with online learning
Classroom InnovationKeep calm and learn online: 10 tips for a great online class November 2, 2020April 9, 2020 by J.A. Miller, Ph.D. Classes have moved online as campuses are closed in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic—here’s how to make the most of it
Campus LeadershipEmbracing online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic October 27, 2020March 17, 2020 by Dianna Lai Read Learn how four instructors are keeping students on track using remote learning environments