Forward-thinking campus strategies

Keeping your campus competitive means looking to the future from a student, faculty, and administrative perspective
In this episode of Innovations in Education, hosted by Kevin Hogan: How higher ed can turn the tide on enrollment and retention; 3 ways to improve time management…

The right online learning experience will boost retention and engagement

Engagement and retention are among the most unique and stubborn challenges for online learning, but they are both achievable.
A recent National Student Clearinghouse Research Center report reveals that post-secondary enrollment continues to decline. Undergraduate enrollment alone saw a 9.4 percent drop from Spring 2020, resulting in…

How registrars are essential for student engagement

Registrars have the unique ability to influence institution-wide policies and practices related to academic affairs and student success.
Seventy-nine percent of respondents in a survey agreed registrars should be actively involved in student engagement across the student life cycle, and 88 percent indicated the same for…

How higher ed can turn the tide on enrollment and retention

College enrollment and then retaining students requires an in-depth, data-driven look at the needs of the individual learner.
The recent decline in college enrollment across the country cannot be pinned on a single factor, but rather it represents the accumulated effect of multiple interconnected problems.

AI is the future–is your school ready to teach it?

Schools focused on computer science and engineering should take steps to prepare to teach AI, robotics, and automation
Artificial intelligence is one of the most important and transformative technologies of our time. From assisting pathologists and discovering new drugs to recommending products and automating entire factories,…

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