Terra Dotta Introduces Dashboards to Help Higher Ed Institutions Visualize Global Presence and Drive International Education Opportunities

Chapel Hill, N.C.– Terra Dotta, a leading global engagement education technology provider, today introduced Global Engagement Dashboards, a solution that will deliver graphical versions of higher ed institutions’ critical international education data. As part of Terra Dotta’s Global Engagement Platform, Dashboards will help higher education leaders access and share data for better decision-making across global education programs.

“Higher ed leaders and global education offices need their international education footprints and data points accessible in one place and shareable to multiple stakeholder audiences, so we built Dashboards to do just that,” said Anthony Rotoli, CEO of Terra Dotta. “Dashboards will be a game changer for college and university decision-makers because they’ll have direct visibility to important  global enrollment, diversity, and travel data. In addition, they’ll soon be able to benchmark against industry averages and publicly share real-time visuals of their global presence and programs.”

Dashboards will connect important global engagement data and present graphical representations that are easy to understand, share, and use. As a result, Dashboards will enable global education offices to leverage vital insights to make strategically informed decisions about their international education programs and offer more institutional transparency and clear illustrations of their global presence.

With Dashboards, global education offices will be able to:

  • Access real-time metrics and global engagement trends to identify strategic growth opportunities.
  • Visualize data with graphs and charts that are customizable and easy to understand.
  • Share dashboards internally throughout the institution with key stakeholders so they will always have access to key global education information when they need it.
  • Publish specific dashboards externally to the public to better share the institution’s global story with the world.

To learn more, visit TerraDotta.com.

About Terra Dotta

Terra Dotta is the trusted leader in global engagement solutions for higher education. Over 700 universities and colleges use Terra Dotta’s global engagement platform to facilitate cross-cultural experiences for students, faculty and staff in more than 85 countries worldwide. The company’s solutions help customers deliver end-to-end, accessible global engagement experiences that meet comprehensive safety and compliance requirements – from managing domestic and international travel to international student programs, virtual and global experiences and beyond. Terra Dotta is based in Chapel Hill, N.C. and can be found at www.terradotta.com.

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