Fraud in test taking and student loans can threaten the very existence of online colleges and universities -- a fact that hasn't been lost on chief information officers…
Bolstering engagement with students could hinge on how colleges and universities use real-time data. Insight into how, when, and even why students interact with campus technologies has become…
Colleges and universities have more data than ever, and with that exponential increase in sensitive information has come the prying eyes of hackers hoping to find their way…
In today’s economy, nothing seems more important to incoming students than whether or not their college or university will help them land a career after graduation…and for good…
As trends like using multimedia resources for courses and incorporating blended learning classes on campus become ubiquitous, what are the motivating factors behind these trends…and do businesses profit…
Colby-Sawyer College is a classic New England school, with 176 years of undergraduate history amid 200 acres of brick buildings and tree-lined walks, nestled in a pretty New…
In what seems like a no-brainer, the relationship between college majors and salary potential is becoming ever stronger in the wake of staggering student debt. Thanks to recent…
New results from a national survey reveal just how popular Flipped Learning has become. But with all of the hype on this teaching and learning style that’s grown…