How the cost of building and running IT infrastructure to meet increasingly growing institutional needs can be reduced with an effective cloud computing strategy.
Much has been written about how massive open online courses (MOOCs) have given rise to a cast of so-called "rockstar professors." While rockstar professors aren't actually a new…
As the higher education landscape changes to one more suited to serving the diverse needs of students, part of that responsibility is in helping find resources that can…
In today’s economy, nothing seems more important to incoming students than whether or not their college or university will help them land a career after graduation…and for good…
As trends like using multimedia resources for courses and incorporating blended learning classes on campus become ubiquitous, what are the motivating factors behind these trends…and do businesses profit…
It seems reasonable that the best way to attract potential students is to use the social media platforms and online tools they use the most; namely, Facebook, Twitter…
On average, college campuses have just one computer for every seven students, according to U.S. News and World Report. Other sources put that number at more than 10…
Did you know that students on the autism spectrum often have to pay premiums of thousands of dollars just to get the services they need on college campuses?…
When talking about higher education, it’s hard not to run into a discussion on what’s really better for student learning: online learning or offline learning? Of course, the…