6 strategies to navigate racial trauma on campus

Giving students a safe place to talk about racial trauma is critical in building an open and healthy campus environment
Racial trauma, or race-based traumatic stress (RBTS), refers to the “mental and emotional injury caused by encounters with racial bias and ethnic discrimination, racism, and hate crimes.” In…

What lasting changes can we expect in post-pandemic learning?

COVID forced higher education’s hand in accelerating digital change—now, some post-pandemic learning changes will become permanent.
While countless schools and universities found themselves confronted with the reality of our collective “new normal”--one that demanded new, flexible, and adaptable learning models--those that already had an…

6 ways to guide students through the new normal

After COVID, students are returning to campuses with a variety of pandemic experiences—here’s how to address their well-being and needs
At our current juncture, where institutions are planning to return to “pre-COVID” work schedules and class sizes, we need to recognize there is no return to “normal,” but…