3 ways community colleges can slash costs with this technology

cloud technology
Higher education is experiencing more turbulence than ever before–changing and making business and finance models increasingly complex. As it stands now, higher education systems operate off a combination…

Is blockchain the answer to higher ed’s cybersecurity problems?

blockchain MIT
It’s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a time when federal agencies, corporations and nonprofits join together in one universal cause: to make the internet safer and more secure.

5 tips to drive applicants and boost enrollment

boosting enrollment
Online research plays an essential role in a prospective student’s decision-making process. Therefore, a strong content marketing strategy is an invaluable tool for attracting future students to your…

11 advantages of online learning software in higher ed

online proctoring
In this post, we'll take a closer look at the benefits offered by one of the most impactful of these technologies: eLearning software. At various stages throughout the…

3 ways to teach financial literacy in college-and why it’s no longer a ‘maybe’

financial literacy
The financial health of Americans has been headline material of late and the prognosis is grim–69 percent of Americans surveyed have less than $1,000 in savings, and 3…

How to change recruitment for an evolving high school grad demographic

admissions recruitment
The fundamental nature of post-secondary education recruiting is changing significantly and enrollment management departments need to start preparing for those changes now.