As college textbook prices continue to climb, a free alternative to traditional textbooks has gathered steam—and its provider claims that students at more than half of U.S. colleges…
Pearson, the U.K. publisher and education company, is buying a 5-percent stake in Barnes & Noble's Nook eReader as technology companies seek new inroads into the potentially lucrative…
Reining in exorbitant textbook costs is no longer a campus-by-campus venture: A unified approach, powered by EDUCAUSE and the Internet2 consortium's NET+ cloud-based collaborative purchasing program, could make…
Major universities aren't the only schools testing the eBook market. Tarrant County College (TCC) in Texas is the latest small campus to study whether a shift to digital…
Advocates for open-license textbooks in higher education, while largely unhappy with Apple’s iBooks 2 platform, say the technology behemoth has done a favor for their movement: Apple’s pricey,…
The University of Wisconsin (UW) Madison campus and five other major universities announced plans this week to try buying electronic textbooks in bulk, an experiment that officials say…
In between commenting on photos, posting videos, and updating statuses, college students will be able to read textbooks, study with classmates, and post questions on Facebook after a…
College textbooks available for free online or sold in print for low cost could slash students’ annual textbook bill from $900 to $184, according to a survey of…