5 ways to improve support for part-time students

college graduation caps soaring in the sky
Although community colleges have started to enroll more economically-disadvantaged students, those students are not graduating at rates comparable to their peers, according to an EAB whitepaper, Reframing the Question…

9 ways community colleges have embraced innovation

community college innovation
Supporting mobile devices is a top priority among a majority of community colleges surveyed in the Center for Digital Education's annual Digital Community Colleges Survey, which offers an inside…

First-of-its-kind gene editing curriculum emerges at community college

gene editing
A $1 million NSF grant has paved the way for what may be the first-ever community college to include gene editing curriculum technology. In partnership with Christiana Care's…

3 ways to actually support nontraditional learners

nontraditional students
Nearly 60 percent of today's U.S. undergraduate students are nontraditional learners, according to new research--and institutions can follow a few key steps to support these learners. Nontraditional students,…

5 key steps in developing a system for digital credentials

digital credentials
A new field guide for community college and university leaders outlines five key strategies to help institutions as they develop a system for digital credentials. The guide, “Partnering…