Want to develop an app that can recommend the best courses, videos, or other resources for your students, based on their specific needs and interests? Or apply the…
Paying bills online is nothing new for 20-somethings, but the University of North Carolina’s elimination of traditional snail mail in sending out tuition bills means students will have…
A Wisconsin university expects to save up to $10,000 a year by making a small change in computer users’ habits: Changing the fonts in the documents they print.
Colleges’ unending campaign to attract more students and alumni donations has higher-education officials looking to two technologies that consume a growing chunk of people’s free time: social media…
In last-minute maneuvering designed to get the measure to pass, lawmakers eliminated $20 billion in proposed education funding from the student aid overhaul enacted by Congress last week:…
Community college decision makers were encouraged by the Federal Communication Commission's inclusion in its National Broadband Plan of robust high-speed internet networks on two-year campuses, which soon could…
Colleges, universities, and their surrounding communities have a financial interest in making sure all of their students get counted in the census, so public-relations campaigns that encourage students…
Over the past decade and a half, the internet has made it easier for families to learn about, find, and apply for college scholarships, government grants, and other…
Each day, universities conduct and invest in research that has an impact on science, medical, and technology industries. And while schools of higher education serve a larger purpose,…
Researchers have until March 15 to submit proposals to the National Science Foundation that would grant access to Microsoft’s massive cloud-computing power for three years.
President Obama’s fiscal year 2011 budget includes $156 billion in student aid, a second consecutive increase in Pell Grant funds, and a lower cap for student loan repayments—but…