Leo Irakliotis doesn’t just want to develop academics and researchers. The newly appointed dean of Nova Southeastern University’s Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences also wants tech-savvy…
From UC Berkeley to Cornell, more than 80 professors have signed a petition against a pending settlement agreement between Google Inc. and authors and publishers, reports the Daily…
A trade group representing the major music labels on Jan. 27 said it will reject a reduced penalty for a central Minnesota woman found guilty of sharing 24…
Reflecting the difficult financial environment for higher education, university endowments lost an average of 18.7 percent in the last fiscal year, the worst returns since the Great Depression,…
Education is one of the few areas of the federal budget that would not see a spending freeze, if President Barack Obama gets his way this year—and making…
Online college education continues to expand rapidly, says U.S. News & World Report: More than 4.6 million college students were taking at least one online course at the…
A recent University of Virginia study suggests the online behavior of users of social-networking web sites reflects their childhood social development more than it influences this development, reports…
A research organization that tries to warn computer users about programs that do sneaky things on their computers has spun off from Harvard University, reports the Associated Press.
Trying to ward off federal regulators, the advertising industry has agreed on a standard icon—a little “i”—that it will add to most online ads that use demographics and…
President Obama will call for a three-year freeze in spending on many domestic programs, including education, and for increases no greater than inflation after that -- an initiative…