Online learning grads can become your most active alumni –here’s why

online learning alumni
Holding a graduation event exclusively for online students sounds unusual, perhaps even a contradiction. But over the years at InterActive we’ve become accustomed to looking at some at…

Wait-HOW many students doubt they’ll graduate?

college tuition
Nearly half of students entering college are arriving on campus already doubting their ability to reach graduation, according to a new study. According to the 2017 Allianz Tuition…

Students at these schools carry the most debt

student debt
As student loan debt becomes a bigger concern in an economy where advanced degrees are a necessary part of workplace success, a new study seeks to establish the…

First-time students to receive “Success Coaching” to improve retention and grad rates

first-time students
Fayetteville State University (FSU) and InsideTrack today announced the launch of a new program to provide executive-style coaching to FSU students. Beginning this month and continuing through the…

This burgeoning college model can close the tech skills gap

collaboration tech skills gap
Today, only three percent of college students graduate with technical degrees, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), and anywhere from 500,000 to 1,000,000 IT jobs…