
How to revolutionize video on your campus

Florida Atlantic University successfully introduced mobile delivery and provides meaningful metrics to faculty and staff   

8 tips for creating video in online learning

Instructor-generated video can increase student satisfaction with, and engagement in, online courses. But there are many variables to a video's success. Here are eight tips to help educators…

How MOOCs are evolving with video technology

Crack open most massive open online courses (MOOCs) today and you’ll typically find three things – course documents (syllabi, eTextbooks, calendars), interactive elements (discussions, wikis, assignments, quizzes), and…

Recorded lectures help ‘disaster-proof’ instruction at JMU

“Snowmageddon,” the monster snowstorm that pummeled the East coast of the United States in 2010, caused many universities to close their doors for several days, including James Madison…

Flipped learning: Professor tested, student approved

Marcio Oliveira could see the benefits of his kinesiology course’s flipped learning approach with every new hand that popped up in the first minute of every class, as…