9 trends shared by innovative community colleges

community colleges
Supporting mobile devices is a top priority among a majority of community colleges surveyed in the Center for Digital Education's annual Digital Community Colleges Survey, which offers an inside…

Here’s why user experience is absolutely critical to higher education’s future

user experience
Harnessing user experience is the most powerful tool higher education institutions have to transform learning--but user experience design is mostly foreign in higher education. Despite its sporadic use,…

Could this alternative to ‘free college’ work?

credentialing students
Increased federal support of high-quality occupational credentialing opportunities could be an alterative to a "free" four-year degree, proposes a new report from the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI). The…

Dual enrollment has drastic state-by-state differences

DACA dreamers
A large majority of dual enrollment students (88 percent), those who take community college courses while still enrolled in high school, continue college after high school, and most…

Report: 7 recommendations for student success with credentials

credential completion
A healthy GPA and completing more credits during the first year of college are fairly strong predictors of community college credential completion, according to a new report from…