The rapid pace of technological advancement means that colleges without a clear strategy for innovation will struggle to compete

The future of higher ed: Why colleges must invest in AI, the metaverse, and blockchain

The rapid pace of technological advancement means that colleges without a clear strategy for innovation will struggle to compete   

Op-Ed: Why innovation-desperate higher ed needs to break its shackles

Outsourcing and technology adoption are booming in higher education, as student demographics change and learning models evolve. There’s an inherent challenge: as the complexity of delivering personalized, student-centered…

Should Startup Fever have a place on campus?

The startup ambitions of MBA students and college undergrads have spawned discussion about whether aspiring young entrepreneurs should launch new business ventures while still in school. Students, graduates,…

5 ways adaptive learning is evolving

adaptive learning
It's changing the way faculty teach, building new features into technology products for institutions, and is slowly coming out of the test pilot bubble. These are just some…

8 ways wearables are influencing higher ed’s data use

As real-time data tracking and analysis becomes more ubiquitous for personal use, how can the higher education community use the Fitbit analogy to improve teaching and learning, to…