Privileged access management: Empowering higher-ed cyber insurance policies

Implementing privileged access management solutions can ultimately lead to more cyber insurance options and significant cost savings.
In today’s world, navigating the cybersecurity market for risk-reducing solutions can be a daunting task. Between buzzwords and current trends, the threat landscape is continuously evolving, and the…

Ensuring inclusive STEM education under new affirmative action guidelines

Keeping the door to STEM education open to a diverse student body leads to the expansion of the future STEM workforce and future innovation.
Universities can no longer consider an individual student’s race in college admissions, potentially limiting educational and career opportunities for underrepresented students.

How far can “navigation” tools really take students?

Navigation tools have become short-hand for a range of big and small decisions students make and have throughout their lives.
In recent years, as more states and districts have wrestled with the definition of “college- and career-ready,” alternative postsecondary pathways have multiplied, and career-connected learning has gained steam,…

AI education isn’t just for those who want a career in tech

AI is progressing so rapidly that institutions are struggling to update their AI education to reflect the skills that employers need.
AI literacy is becoming an increasingly pressing requirement in an AI-dependent world. The mandate for AI education extends not only to those in technical roles—programmers, engineers, and data…

The most important thing you’ll do for your career this holiday season

An end-of-year inventory can be a powerful tool for ongoing career goals and growth in higher ed--take some time to evaluate your progress this year.
The end of the year is a pivotal time to look back at all you’ve accomplished and consider what lies ahead. Awareness and intentionality are essential to your…

Generative AI can enhance equity of access and attainment

Generative AI presents an opportunity to break away from old ways of thinking and redefine equity and how we serve students and communities.
Almost one year since ChatGPT’s public debut, awareness of this immensely powerful technology is becoming mainstream, and conversations around the implications for higher education are taking shape.

Cultivating a workplace culture of gratitude

Complaining is easy, but corrosive to workplace morale, project outcomes, and employee longevity--gratitude on campus is important.
Grousing about the boss is a competitive sport in some workplaces. Complaining is easy, but corrosive to workplace morale, project outcomes, and employee longevity.

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