Teaching life skills is the latest trend in higher ed

Graduation cap and a job application indicating the need for life skills.
Recent college graduates need life skills more than they need technical skills to succeed in the workplace, according a national poll from High Point University (HPU). In fact,…

Are you up on the latest trends in higher education?

A bunch of signs saying "What's Next?" "expectations" "forecasts" "coming"
An increased focus on measuring learning, along with putting more thought into redesigning learning spaces, are two trends with great significance for higher ed in the next couple…

Visionary universities teach life purpose: Does yours?

What is my life purpose? written on colorful sticky notes
A sense of purpose is an important and teachable attribute. Studies find that pursuing one’s purpose is associated with psychological well-being. Individuals with a sense of purpose report…

Higher-ed leaders: Here’s how Generation Z learns best

a group of Generation Z students on laptops and tablets with symbols of video, music, and interactivity
Does your faculty embrace video? Members of Generation Z say they vastly prefer video as a learning method, according to Beyond Millennials: The Next Generation of Learners, a recent…

5 top-ranked AI programs in higher ed

Businessman on blurred background creating AI 3D rendering
Artificial intelligence has morphed from a sci-fi movie hypothetical to a field with real potential and impact in different industries, prompting many research institutions to offer AI concentrations--or…