San Juan College chooses OnBase, leverages added functionality in multiple departments CLEVELAND – June 28, 2012 – Hyland Software’s purchase ... Read more
An Unparalleled End-to-End SIEM-Based Snort and Suricata IDS Solution SEATTLE, June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Tactical FLEX, Inc., a global ... Read more
Long considered home to the worst commenters on the internet — racist, cruel, idiotic, nonsensical, and barely literate — YouTube is in the process of upgrading its comment…
After being derided as a "do-nothing" Congress, the House and Senate were poised to vote on a massive legislative package that overhauls highway and transit programs, salvages an…
On June 27, 20 state attorneys general announced a court settlement with QuinStreet Inc., a marketing company working for for-profit colleges, that will shut down the deceptive website…
Reining in exorbitant textbook costs is no longer a campus-by-campus venture: A unified approach, powered by EDUCAUSE and the Internet2 consortium's NET+ cloud-based collaborative purchasing program, could make…
Until recently, America's major telecommunications firms always had plans on the drawing board for the next generation of internet connectivity. In the 1990s, when most people connected to…