Amazon will pay up to $2,000 for employees taking online or in-person college courses while working toward an associate’s degree or a technical certification, and educators expect other…
Readers of eBooks might not be able to turn paper pages, lend their copies to friends, or file them away on living room bookshelves. But until now, they…
The federal government will help schools and colleges using eReaders such as the Amazon Kindle to comply with laws giving students with disabilities equal access to emerging classroom…
A technological disruption is loosening traditional publishers' grip on the book market, reports the Wall Street Journal—and giving new power to technology companies like Amazon to shape which…
As Apple builds its electronic bookstore, is trying to use its clout to hold on to its early lead in the market, reports the New York Times. said Feb. 18 it is launching a new free Kindle application that will give customers access to over 420,000 books on a range of BlackBerry devices, Reuters…