
How 3 colleges are embracing Pokémon Go for campus engagement

Colleges add Pokémon Go to interactive campus maps.

Pokémon Go–the popular augmented reality game from Nintendo that’s sweeping the U.S. has caught the eye of several creative professionals at colleges using the CampusBird Interactive Map and Virtual Tour platform.

Pokémon Go Guilford 

The team first got wind of the Pokémon Go + CampusBird activity from the following Tweet from Guilford College.  And (as map/tech geeks do), we had to explore further.

Guilford College is already crushing it with a host of virtual tours: sustainability tour, disc golf course tour, athletics facilities tour, dining options tour, admissions tour and a Center for Continuing Education tour. Woah! So they went ahead and used the CampusBird virtual tour builder to add another super cool tour with Pokéstops and gyms.

(Next page: 2 other examples of Pokémon Go on campuses to drive student engagement)

Pokémon Madness at Maryville

It was a regular old Friday, when all of a sudden our social media channels LIT UP.
Maryville College (which holds some good court in the social media realm, BTW) had updated their CampusBird with an interactive category to profile the various PokéStops and Gym locations on their campus.
Just Pokéclick that Pokécheckbox, and off you Pokémon Go!

Providence + Pokémon = Popular It was a regular old Pokémonday…ok, we’ll stop :) Providence College also added a new interactive campus map category for PokéStops and Gyms:

For more information on CampusBird, click here or contact here.

[Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared on the CampusBird blog. Read more on the blog here: http://campusbird.com/virtual-reality-for-higher-education/

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