
7 best colleges for STEM jobs

STEM resource center rates the best postsecondary institutions for preparing students for successful STEM careers

STEM-career-collegeVictory Media, creator of STEM Jobs(SM) education, career and media resources for students interested in STEM careers, announced their list of 2015 STEM Jobs Approved Colleges.

The inaugural list is the first of its kind to rate universities, colleges, community colleges and trade schools on their responsiveness and relevance to high-demand, high-growth STEM occupations.

Over 1,600 colleges participated in the STEM Jobs ratings process, and were scored on publicly available data and responses to proprietary survey questions around three key indicators of success: 1) program alignment to job demand; 2) job placement after graduation; and 3) diversity in a school’s STEM programs.

“With the list of STEM Jobs Approved Colleges–plus our Employers list, to be released in early 2015–we’re able to help students, parents and guidance counselors evaluate how well education is translating into real-world jobs, and how responsive institutions are to meeting those demands,” said Daniel Nichols, president of STEM Jobs. “Considering the skyrocketing cost to attend a four-year college is in excess of $100,000, and that we’re facing a shortage of STEM-qualified job applicants nationwide, every parent needs transparent data to help them and their child find the school right for her.

“Plus, students need reliable information not only for four-year degrees, but for two-year degrees and certificate-programs that will prepare them for high-paying STEM careers,” he continued.

The STEM Jobs Approved Colleges ratings are based on what the company says are rigorous quantitative assessment that measures colleges on criteria created with the assistance of an independent Academic Advisory Board. A complete description of the methodology is available here.

“STEM Jobs(SM) helps answer the age-old question every student asks, ‘when am I ever going to use this?’ with engaging and relevant content, entertaining graphics, informative tools, and the powerful message to ‘Do What You Love’,” said Nichols.

(Next page: The 7 best colleges for STEM)

Based on the three criteria, STEM Jobs says these are the best colleges for STEM:

[Listed in alphabetical order]

 1. Academy of Arts University

Total enrollment: 16,001

Average size of a STEM class: 14

Aligns to: High-pay STEM jobs

After graduation: STEM job placement

 2. Andrews University

Total enrollment: 3,516

Students in STEM majors: 329

Average size of a STEM class: 17

Aligns to: High-growth STEM jobs; high-pay STEM jobs

After graduation: STEM job placement; STEM career center on site

Diversity: Graduate diversity

 3. Eastern Kentucky University

Total enrollment: 16, 429

Students in STEM majors: 1,847

Average size of a STEM class: 20

Aligns to: high-growth STEM jobs; high-pay STEM jobs

After graduation: STEM job placement; STEM career center on site

Diversity: Graduate diversity; program diversity

 4. HyperLearning Technologies

Total enrollment: 25

Students in STEM majors: 25

Average size of a STEM class: 25

Aligns to: High-growth STEM jobs; high-pay STEM jobs

After graduation: STEM job placement

Diversity: Graduate diversity

 5. Lincoln Technical Institute

Total enrollment: 12,000

Students in STEM majors:12,000

Average size of a STEM class: 7

Aligns to: High-growth STEM jobs; high-pay STEM jobs

After graduation: STEM job placement

6. Richland College

Total enrollment: 20,000

Students in STEM majors:2,501

Aligns to: High-growth STEM jobs

After graduation: STEM career center on site

Diversity: Graduate diversity

 7. Westminster College

Total enrollment: 1,235

Students in STEM majors: 555

Average size of a STEM class: 12

Aligns to: High-growth STEM jobs

After graduation: STEM job placement

Diversity: Diversity in graduates

For the full list of institutions and how they rank, click here.

Material from a press release was used in this report.

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