Best practices in higher-education technology use: January 2013

Here are some of the best practices in higher-education technology use featured in the January 2013 edition of eCampus News.

A new eLearning network gives students more choices … MOOCs help with remedial college math … Sharing IT services pays off for Oklahoma universities: These are among the best practices in higher-education technology use featured in the January 2013 edition of eCampus News.

Our January issue is now available online. You can browse the full publication here, or click on any of the headlines below to read these highlights:

New eLearning network gives students more choices

A consortium of 10 well-regarded universities has launched an innovative program called Semester Online that will allow undergraduate students to take online courses for credit through other universities within the group…

Next step with MOOCs: Help with remedial math

A free online math course being developed by the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse could dramatically reduce the need for students to take remedial math when they start college and put them on a faster, less expensive track to graduation, the UW System announced…

Sharing IT services saves millions for Oklahoma universities

Although the legendary Oklahoma-Oklahoma State football rivalry made for a spectacular clash Nov. 24, a collaboration between the two universities will mean spectacular savings for both institutions and their students…

Schools using augmented reality to snag prospective students

Using digital media such as augmented reality and quick response (QR) codes, some schools are breathing new life into tired catalogs and dry literature…

Project cuts annual energy costs by $2.4M

University of Kentucky officials say a $25 million energy-savings project has cut costs by $2.4 million a year and reduced the university’s carbon dioxide output by 23,291 tons a year—the equivalent of taking 45,755 cars off the road…

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