Gaming aims to improve students’ writing skills

Video games sure have come a long way since the days of arcade games like Pac-Man and Donkey Kong. Over time, many video games have been developed that…

Report: Kick back online learning profits to faculty

Want faculty to adopt the latest in tech-enhanced learning? Kick back some of the profits (e.g. revenue from online learning programs), says a new report. According to this…

edX and Microsoft Office Mix join to enhance online learning

Although most online higher education courses today are presented as mere PowerPoint lectures, Microsoft has joined forces with edX in the hopes that their Office Mix service can…

Can GPS help students graduate on time?

According to a new report called The Four-Year Myth released by Complete College America, a large majority of full-time American college students do not graduate on time, leading…

New visual map tool helps online schools find students

As online distance education continues to grow, it had become difficult for many institutions to figure out where exactly they could find potential new online students in need…

Faculty: Here’s what we really do with technology

Though most faculty members have still not fully embraced teaching exclusively online courses, many are utilizing technology in an attempt to enhance student-centered instruction, according to the results…