
CampusBird adds live bus tracking to 3D map platform

Map visitors now able to view routes, real-time bus and shuttle Locations, estimated times of arrival, and more.

concept3D, a provider of location-based software and 3D media, along with Ride Systems, LLC today announced the integration of a live transit tracking system into its CampusBird and atlas3D interactive map and media platforms.

The live transit tracker, provided by Ride Systems, a provider of GPS tracking, gives atlas3D and CampusBird map visitors the ability to view routes, see real-time bus and shuttle locations along with estimated times of arrival.

CampusBird is concept3D’s interactive map and virtual tour platform. The platform is used by education institutions to create an engaging online campus experience with an attractive, 3D map and the ability for map visitors to explore campus facilities, grounds and surroundings through video, virtual reality, 360-degree panorama photos and other media.

Rice University in Texas and Hartford College in Connecticut are the first to offer the Ride Systems real-time tracking feature to their students, staff and visitors through the CampusBird platform.

atlas3D is an interactive map platform built to support the needs of venues, convention centers, arenas, health care facilities, transportation hubs, resorts and hotels, commercial real estate and other industries requiring a high level of detail for both exteriors and interiors. atlas3D also offers powerful wayfinding capabilities.

“On any given day, our atlas3D and CampusBird clients are responsible for helping thousands of people get around, and it really comes down to improving their experience,” said concept3D CEO, Gordon Boyes. “Combine Ride Systems live transit data with CampusBird’s real-time parking lot occupancy feed, and you have a very powerful online hub of transportation information that can be accessed from any device. We anticipate that the live transit tracking system will be a very popular atlas3D and CampusBird add-on.”

In addition to live vehicle tracking, Ride Systems also provides passenger counting, administrative reporting and mobile wifi to transit agencies of higher education, airports, corporations, municipalities and medical centers. “The concept3D interface users will now have a very robust interactive experience as they move about these large and complex campuses.” said Justin Rees, CEO of Ride Systems. “Additionally, the artistic and inventive product of concept3D, ensures a very ideal experience to be had by transit riders. We are very excited about this collaboration and the improved experience for our customers for years to come”

Material from a press release was used in this report.

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