
Chalk & Wire releases new version of assessment platform

New platform touts video assessments and collaboration-enabled features

video-chalk-assessmentsChalk & Wire released the latest version of its assessment and ePortfolio platform late-July with added features that include video assessments, mobile platform use, collaborative workspaces, and multi-media feedback.

The system promises to improve workflows, eliminate redundant labor, push grades directly to gradebooks while adjusting for scoring and weighing settings, automatically pull SIS data to auto-populate accounts and groups, and allow for single sign on to the university’s LMS. The platform integrates with most learning management systems (LMS), including Blackboard, Moodle, and Canvas.

Chalk & Wire CEO Geoff Irvine explained that Chalk & Wire unifies the collection, analysis, and reporting on student learning patterns through direct scoring of competency based on outcomes and from qualitative sources pulled from an integrated survey and form solution.  By making this data accessible and transparent via a university’s LMS, faculty is able to view rich, continually updated learning datasets . “‘Noise’ becomes ‘Information’ very rapidly as a result,” Irvine said.

The new version also accommodates video assessments, which, according to Linda Boone, administration manager at the University of Virginia’s Curry School of Education, the  school plans to use with their student teachers, both for evaluation and for the students’ professional portfolios. “[Students] can easily create and broadcast a compelling looking presentation of what they can do or are doing. Their skills are essentially completely portable when and where they want,” Irvine said.

This story is based on a press release, with additional reporting by Carly Morales, and intern with eCampus News

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