New infographics reveal advice for designing online courses; tablet-friendly material

online-course-designAccording to recent studies, blended and fully-online courses are reaching almost every college and university in the country, with students craving more flexible and personalized learning. But as many faculty are coming to understand, an effective online course is more than just pasting information on a website.

In a recent report released by DreamBox Learning, blended and online learning is exploding in popularity; and according to the National Center for Education Statistics, about one in four college students took at least one online class in 2012, with 12.5 percent of U.S. college students taking their classes exclusively online.

However, due to low retention rates not only in MOOCs, but also in fully-online courses, faculty and curriculum designers realize that part of the reasons why students like online learning—community, personalization, and interactive lessons—means moving away from traditional course design.

Thanks to two new infographics, from Shift Disruptive Learning and CommLab India, research reveals 10 tips for eLearning Design, as well as 4 ways to make eLearning courses more tablet-friendly.

(Next page: Infographic on 10 tips for online course design)

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(Next page: Infographic on making online courses friendly for tablets)

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