New developments in campus technology: September 2012

Here are some of the latest ed-tech tools featured in the Sept. 2012 edition of eCampus News.

A new way to measure the color brightness of projectors, and a cutting-edge app that can help save lives during campus emergencies, are among the latest developments in campus technology described in the September 2012 edition of eCampus News.

Our September edition is now available in digital format on our website. You can browse the full publication here, or click on any of the headlines below to read these highlights:

New developments in AV technology come into focus

A new way to measure the brightness of colors; the ability to recognize inputs from any source, and not just a computer; and the move toward more lamp-free projectors are among the latest developments in audio-visual technology that have important implications for colleges…

UNC tests mobile app to help locate suspects during emergencies

A newly developed app, which operates via wireless internet, could help save lives: It enables the “command center” in a campus emergency see where each officer is, tells officers where the suspect is, and sends three-dimensional directions—and shortest routes—among buildings…

Dell jumps into lecture capture

The proliferation of online courses and the “flipped learning” model has created demand in higher education for lecture capture systems, and officials at technology giant Dell say they might be able to meet that need…

Colleges expand use of student ID cards

With the swipe of one card, many college students can eat dinner, buy snacks, wash a load of laundry, check out library books, photocopy homework, attend a football game, access a campus computer lab, and open locked doors…

Viewpoint: Thinking outside the book

eTextbooks already have triggered what is shaping up to be a seismic upheaval in the way we think about academic course material…

Product Showcase

Software for managing all campus communications on one platform, administering any Mac device from a single console, and transforming any projector or flat-panel display into an interactive device are among the latest ed-tech products of interest to colleges and universities…

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