Graduate students explain why they picked their schools

Graduate school students have myriad reasons for choosing their higher education paths. Here, in their own words, five current students tell U.S. News why they chose to attend their particular graduate schools to pursue their interests:

Why I Picked University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, Meagan Elyse Hanna, third-year J.D. candidate: As I was researching law schools, I became overwhelmed when they all started to look the same. Then I visited the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. I was welcomed into the UDM Law family from the moment I walked in the door. The close-knit community of students, faculty, and administrators provides a learning environment I found unparalleled in support and encouragement. Add to that UDM’s commitment to making its graduates “practice ready” through its clinics, law firm program courses, and writing across the curriculum, and I was sold. Thanks to UDM, I’ll graduate this year with the confidence I need to compete in the legal job market…

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