Here’s how to foster engagement and improve elearning

Higher education is saturated with online programs from numerous colleges and universities. So, if a small private non-profit university was interested in expanding its online presence, how would it go about doing it? How would it differentiate itself from the myriad of choices that students wade through when they are interested in returning to school for a degree?

In 2010, California Baptist University faced these questions. Located in Riverside, California, California Baptist University (CBU) did not have much of a distance education presence, but was renowned for its high touch culture, academic quality, and engagement with students at its traditional campus. CBU made a decision to create a new division called Online & Professional Studies (OPS), to help address these challenges. Within three years, OPS was ranked #25 in the nation by U.S. News & World Report for top online bachelor’s programs. In 2017, CBU OPS was ranked #8 across the nation.

Download this free white paper and learn how California Baptist University used engagement to become a top online university.

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