Be future-minded

We’re highlighting “Catering to the 21st Century student” week here on eCampus News as part of our monthly topic week series throughout the year. The last step of catering to today’s students is to be future-minded, by considering alternative pathways to credentials and providing multiple services and practices that will help students become successful post-graduation. Below are just a few articles we believe can help higher ed institutions become the best resource for helping students put their education into meaningful practice::

*Editor’s note: Check out Monday’s topic: Tech empower your campus, Tuesday’s topic: Make the classroom collaborative, Wednesday’s topic: Successful online strategies, and Thursday’s topic: Provide a safe campus environment.

Understanding the symbolism of digital badges

digital-badge-degreeKyle Bowen, director of education technology at Pennsylvania State University, said he thinks credentials, be they traditional grades or digital badges, are little more than symbols. And symbols mean different things to different people, Bowen said Thursday at U.S. News and World Report’s STEM Solutions conference. To illustrate his point he brought up several well-known symbols, including the icon found on most hand dryers — the one that shows three red, wavy lines floating above a hand…Read the article.

Vetted tool offers colleges and instant tech makeover

career-college-technologyCollegefeed is right: If there’s one aspect of university branding and technology updating that hasn’t changed with the times, it’s usually the campus career center. But thanks to a new platform, FREE for colleges, universities can not only help their students find jobs in the modern market, but can attract major business and promote their brand, 21st Century-style…Read the article.


9 reasons why badges are better than degrees

onlinedegreeThere’s nothing quite hotter at the moment on the higher-ed front than alternative credentialing, and proponents, who once said that digital badges are great ‘supplements’ to a traditional degree, are quickly changing their opinions—arguing that digital badges are a better alternative. “Many degrees are only loosely linked to employability after graduation,” explains a new report by Pearson, “Open Badges for Higher Education.” Increasingly, the degree itself is not as critical as the skill set behind it…Read the article.

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