For-profit colleges’ marketing firm is target of inquiry by attorneys general

The explosive enrollment growth of for-profit colleges in recent years has been aided by the lead-generation industry, a little-known collection of online marketing companies that aim to connect salespeople with the phone numbers and emails of potential customers, the Huffington Post reports. For-profit colleges have already come under fire for aggressive recruiting tactics targeting veterans and low-income students eligible for government loans and grants. Now, one of the nation’s largest lead generation companies has disclosed that attorneys general in 15 states have inquired about marketing websites directed toward veterans who have earned generous federal tuition benefits. QuinStreet Inc., of California, noted in a securities filing last month that the company had received an investigative demand letter from Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway and others. The letters questioned whether QuinStreet sites including and, which serve largely as advertising platforms for for-profit colleges, were misleading to veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan…

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