Verified Studios, NC State University win distance learning administration award

Partnership between digital marketing agency and research university recognized by distance learning administrators

In June 2016, “Winning One Program at a Time: A Systemic Approach,” the paper co-written by Verified Studios CEO Adam Schultz and Kay Zimmerman, NC State Associate Vice Provost DELTA-Marketing and Partnership Development, won the Distance Learning Administration Conference Best Paper Award.

Over the last two years, the Durham-based digital marketing agency has guided deployment of a scalable, low-cost, high ROI program-level marketing system across 18 NC State online and distance education programs. The paper shares the results of the program-level marketing strategy, highlighting ways for other universities to deploy a similar system.

“I’m excited to be recognized by my distance learning colleagues and to have this opportunity to share best practices that could change the enrollment marketing landscape,” said Zimmerman.

“Many universities are missing an opportunity to focus online and distance education student recruitment marketing efforts and budget at the program level. When you consider that this can offer lower priced advertising opportunities with higher conversion rates than traditional university level marketing initiatives, universities can’t afford not to try this strategy,” adds Schultz. “I look forward to continuing our work with NC State and to opportunities to help other leading universities see the same positive results.”

Learn more about the affordable marketing support that Verified offers to help higher education institutions meet their strategic goals at

Laura Ascione