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10 of the best higher-ed tweets of 2015

Twitter remained a great place to discuss all things higher-ed in 2015.

tweets-ed-techHappy New Year everybody! With 2016 now in swing, we here at eCampus News took a look back at 2015 to break down some of our favorite social media moments; and what better way to do so than by scrounging through top tweets?

Before we begin, full disclaimer: as you might have guessed, there were A LOT of tweets posted in 2015, and it would be impossible to go through them all. Rather than simply list the most popular, we decided to compile a list that reflected some of the biggest moments and topics of the year from a wide range of perspectives. Naturally, some great tweets may have missed our attention, so if you have any of your own nominees that didn’t make this list, feel free to let us know in the comment section below.

Now, on to the list!

1.) President Obama kicked off 2015 year in a big way! The President’s proposal for two free years of community college set Twitter ablaze and outlined a vision for a future in which any hard worker could further their education without amassing debt. One can only hope that this goal moves closer to becoming a reality in 2016!

2.) Great education news from the government didn’t just stop at the beginning of the year. The announcement from U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan that America’s high school graduation rate was at an all-time high of 82 percent marked an incredible achievement for learners and educators across the nation. Moving into 2016, this means there is a pool of more prospective learners than ever before that can experience the benefits of higher education and add their own unique talents to many great colleges and universities.

3.)  Just in case that large number of high school graduates needed any extra motivation to go to college, though, Michelle Obama and Jay Pharoah had them covered. In a hilarious video from College Humor, the First Lady and the Saturday Night Live comedian show off some impressive rap skills as they explain why attending college is a great idea for following any dream. If you didn’t see this video in 2015, now is the time to watch!

4.) One group of prospective college students that should never be overlooked is our veterans. This tweet from International College Counselors includes a link to an article full of great strategies that every institution should implement in order to ensure that capable veterans are given their best opportunity to contribute their many skills to the classroom and further their education to succeed after their service to our nation.

5.) Twitter was a treasure trove of interesting infographics yet again in 2015. With cyber hacking becoming an increasingly dangerous threat to the security of information, every institution should examine the guidelines established in the CampusLogic infographic above.

(Next page: Best tweets 6-10)

6.) 2015 was another big year for the MOOC debate, and Twitter played a large role in fueling that discussion. Many users shared recommendations about which MOOCs they enjoyed as well as how online courses can be improved. This tweet provides a link to a great article about how one professor made the most of the format.

7.) As great as many MOOCs and other available learning technologies may be, many argue they can’t fully take the place of quality educators and the on-campus experience. Luckily, this tweet reassured the higher-ed world of just that. But stay on guard! You don’t want to be ill-prepared if 2016 is the year that Skynet does indeed usher in a robotic revolution…

8.) All of the great advances and strategies mentioned in the last few tweets on this list can make a big difference in helping students to realize their goals, which is critical, since, at the end of the day, tweets like this one emphasize the national mindset that institutions must cater to the individual student’s needs and goals.

9.) As we move into the last leg of this list, it would feel wrong not to shamelessly plug our most popular tweet of 2015. Wait really? This was our most popular tweet this year? I guess students aren’t the only ones who like to kick back and enjoy themselves after a long school week! You’d think rather than a tweet about being ready for the weekend, our most popular tweet would be an informative one like…

10.) …this one! For shame, Twitter! In order to repent, make sure you follow @eCampusNews (and following @eCN_RonB wouldn’t hurt either) in order to get the best ed-tech content in 2016.

Until then, here’s looking forward to what 2016 holds on Twitter, from the hilarious to the informative! Tweet on, friends and followers!

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