A lot has changed in online learning practices in just a few short years—and accreditation policy is no exception
Did you know that when offering online courses, collaboration options for students are a requirement? Or that faculty participation in designing the implementation of an online learning program is mandatory?
These are just a glimpse of some of the most recent (within the last two years) updates to distance education policy standards set forth by regional and national accrediting organizations in the U.S.
And as many institutions begin implementing online programs, it’s never been a more critical time for administrators and leaders to become well-acquainted with the hallmarks of quality required for both new, and currently in-place, distance-ed programs.
“The immense growth of distance education in higher education and resulting abundance of policies and guidelines has impacted the preparation of accreditation reports in many capacities, “explains Suzanne Keil, an instructional technology student and author of the study, “Distance Education Policy Standards.”
The list of new or updated policies can be broken into five main categories: institutional context and commitment, curriculum and instruction, faculty and faculty support, student support, and evaluation and assessment.
[Policies listed in this article reflect the most current updates to online learning programs, ranging from January 2012-December 2013. For a full list of updates since 2011, as well as which accrediting institutions mandated these updates, read the full report. Note: Though each of these policies was mandated by a specific accrediting commission, all of these policies are incorporated in similar language into other commissions’ requirements]
Institutional context and commitment
Why accrediting commissions believe it’s important: Institutional mission should be reflected in distance education programs through planning and goals to ensure success of the program and dedication to this success from the institution, say accrediting commissions.
Most recent updates to policy:
- Distance education programs are consistent with the mission and educational objectives of the institution.
- Programs are integrated into the regular planning processes of the institution.
- The institution provides sufficient resources—financial, human, physical, and technological—to support its distance education programs.
- Operation of programming is incorporated into the governance system of the institution.
- The programming be reviewed as part of its comprehensive evaluation.
(Next page: Curriculum and instruction; faculty)
Curriculum and instruction
Why accrediting commissions believe it’s important: As the nature of the internet and internet users evolves, so do demands and expectations from online learning; thereby influencing the evolution of accrediting policies.
Most recent updates to policy:
- Regardless of instructional delivery method, the syllabi must identify the course learning objectives. Each course learning objectives must support one or more program learning outcomes
- The course must provide sufficient and appropriate opportunities for interaction between faculty and students and among students.
- Institutions must demonstrate that the clock or credit hours required and awarded are appropriate for the degrees and credentials offered using a thoroughly developed rationale. Credit award rationales for distance education delivery of courses or programs generally do not use the traditional lecture/laboratory/practicum formulas for credit calculations.
- Curriculum must be administered in a way that maintains security of access.
- Institutions must demonstrate that the students who registers for a distance-ed course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives the academic credit. Verification methods may include a secure login and pass code, proctored exam, et cetera.
- The institution’s academic unit exercises oversight of distance-ed programs, ensuring both the rigor of the program and the quality of instruction.
- Courses and programs offered via distance education maintain the same academic standards as those offered on the main campus.
Faculty and faculty support
Why accrediting commissions believe it’s important: Many institutions have noted difficulties in both faculty buy-in for online learning programs, as well as complaints from faculty over difficulty using the technology and being unprepared for the fundamental differences in the roles required for teaching online. Updates in policy aim to address these issues.
Most recent updates to policy:
- The institution must employ academically and/or experientially credentialed faculty to teach online courses appropriate to the subject matter.
- Faculty hired to facilitate online instruction must be properly trained to use the institution’s LMS for purposes of instruction, communication, and assessment.
- The instruction must provide an accessible and reliable LMS and technical support to effectively facilitate online instruction and learning.
- The institution must demonstrate that the student/teacher ratio appropriately supports faculty and student interaction, facilitation of interaction among students and interaction with curriculum content.
- The institution must have a faculty development plan on file that it appropriate for each individual.
- On-campus faculty must have a substantive role in the design and implementation of distance education programs.
(Next page: Students support; assessments)
Student support
Why accrediting commissions believe it’s important: According to recent research, institutions have not been as quick to put student services online as they have online courses, notes Keil. These policy updates list administrative, and what accrediting commissions say are practical strategies, for providing effective student support services.
Most recent updates to policy:
- Students enrolled in distance-ed programs have adequate access to, and make effective use of, learning resources; including library and information resources, labs and equipment.
- Students enrolled in distance-ed programs have adequate access to student services, including financial aid, academic advising, course registration, and career and placement counseling.
- Documented procedures assure that security of personal information is protected in the conduct of assessments and evaluations and in the dissemination of results.
- Students enrolled in distance-ed courses are able to use the technology employed, have the equipment necessary to succeed, and are provided assistance in using the technology.
Evaluation and assessment
Why accrediting commissions believe it’s important: These policies aim to address the topics of quality assurance, evaluation and assessment at the institution level and course level with guidelines to aid in self-reflection and self-improvement.
Most recent updates to policy:
- The institution evaluates the educational effectiveness of each program, including assessment of students learning outcomes, student retention, and student and faculty satisfaction, to ensure comparability to campus-based programs.
- Publications and advertising for programs are accurate and contain necessary information such as the program’s goals, requirements, academic calendar, and faculty.
- Contractual relationships and arrangements with consortial partners, if any, are clear and guarantee that the institution maintains direct and sole responsibility for the academic quality of all aspects of the programs. Where the institution has entered into contractual relationships involving credits and degrees, it has obtained approval for the substantive change.
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