OU Janux uses graphic novel textbook for Introduction to Management course

Classes will begin June 9 for a one-of-a-kind business course offered through Janux, the University of Oklahoma’s online learning community. The course, taught by professor Dr. Jeremy Short, is free to the public and uses a graphic novel textbook, rap videos and other interactive tools to help students learn. Short, Rath Chair in Strategic Management, recently published a study which found that graphic novels help students better retain information. This summer, he is putting his findings into practice in Introduction to Management, offered through OU’s Janux interactive learning platform as an open course and for credit.

“As discovered in my research, the use of graphic novels to teach certain concepts has proven effective,” said Short. “Janux has already seen an incredible amount of engagement this past semester. For example, students are collaborating within discussion boards and have created communities within Janux using each other as additional information resources. It was only a natural fit for my course to be taught on this platform.”

The course uses a graphic novel, written by Short, as the textbook that follows the journey of Atlas Black as he makes his way through college, starts a business and becomes a better manager in the process. A textbook in graphic novel format is not the only unique feature. While all Janux courses use high-quality lecture videos, Short’s Introduction to Management also utilizes animated rap videos created specifically to teach certain course concepts.

“The use of cutting-edge new media and innovative educational tools like graphic novels is a creative development in higher education, one which can produce higher levels of engagement and interest from students,” said Dr. Kyle Harper, Provost at the University of Oklahoma. “We believe this innovative course can enhance students’ educational experience even more when offered through Janux, a platform designed to encourage interactivity and collaboration with other students.”
Short’s unique Introduction to Management course was first offered at OU in summer 2013. Approximately 50 students took the course for credit and more than 1,800 students signed up for the free version online. This summer is the first time the course will be offered through Janux; classes begin June 9, and students can enroll at any time. To sign up for Introduction to Management, go to Janux.ou.edu.

About Janux
Janux is a new interactive learning community created by the University of Oklahoma. Janux connects learners and teachers through high-quality courses. Built in partnership with Oklahoma technology leader NextThought, Janux pioneers the field of social learning and is the first of its kind in open courseware. With Janux, students are able to use interactive learning tools and collaborate with other students and professors in real time. Videos, tests, quizzes and other learning resources are integrated in on online space. For more information, visit Janux.OU.edu.

About NextThought
NextThought is a technology company that offers an integrated approach to education. NextThought’s platform enables rich social interaction inside courseware and educational materials, including videos, assessment and text. The company also provides video production and content development services. Founded in 2011, NextThought works with a number of leading universities and professional education organizations around the world. For more information, visit www.NextThought.com.

About the University of Oklahoma
Created by the Oklahoma Territorial Legislature in 1890, the University of Oklahoma is a doctoral degree-granting research university serving the educational, cultural, economic and health-care needs of the state, region and nation. The Norman campus serves as home to all of the university’s academic programs except health-related fields. The OU Health Sciences Center, which is located in Oklahoma City, is one of only four comprehensive academic health centers in the nation with seven professional colleges. Both the Norman and Health Sciences Center colleges offer programs at the Schusterman Center, the site of OU-Tulsa. OU enrolls more than 31,000 students, has more than 2,600 full-time faculty members, and has 20 colleges offering 165 majors at the baccalaureate level, 157 majors at the master’s level, 80 majors at the doctoral level, 29 majors at the doctoral professional level, and 28 graduate certificates. The university’s annual operating budget is $1.7 billion. The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution.

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