From Big Data to the ‘All Data Enterprise’

It was good to catch up with Roman Stanek, CEO and founder of data analysis startup GoodData. There’s some interesting news coming up that I can’t talk about just yet, ZDNet reports.

We talked about Big Data and how the term is sounding very stale. Not only does it already sound so 2013, it’s also so 1993, because we’ve both been hearing IT companies talk about Big Data for more than two decades — and in the same way as they do today. We spoke about how it is time for a new term in 2014.

My proposal for a replacement term for Big Data is: All Data.

It might fit because Stanek made a point that most companies are only analyzing subsets of their business data, often as little as 10%. It’s classed as “Big Data” because there’s lots of it but it’s certainly not all the data. And that means the analysis can produce results that management doesn’t trust.

It’s hard to use all the data because it is highly fragmented within most organizations. But that’s where GoodData steps in and does the heavy lifting, by being able to hook into the databases, and enterprise apps, to provide a complete operational view.

An “All Data Enterprise” would be a business that’s moved to the next stage — from Big Data to All Data. It’s able to analyze every aspect of its business not just a small fraction.

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