On campus beat: MnSCU poised to make ‘bold shift’

Instead of acting like a random collection of campuses, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities must become a more strategic system, the Star Tribune reports. This “bold shift,” outlined in a new report released Wednesday, could require further campus and center mergers, relocating academic programs and offering a single portal to the system’s online offerings. The report is meant to be strategic and doesn’t delve into specifics. But some of its concepts could prove to be controversial. The 35-page draft report is the result of seven months of work. In November, Chancellor Steven Rosenstone charged three work groups — with a total of 46 presidents, staff, students and others — with creating a plan to confront “wicked questions” around the future of higher education and the system itself. … In a “revelation,” the groups “sidestepped the whole issue of MOOCs,” said Winona State President Scott Olson. “To MOOC or not to MOOC is not the question. Really, it’s about … how do students learn best.”

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