Why aren’t college students using LinkedIn to find jobs?

The jobless numbers in the U.S. remain an ongoing concern throughout the country. For college students and recent graduates, often dubbed “millennials,” the numbers are even worse. More than half of recent graduates are either unemployed or underemployed, ReadWrite.com reports. Despite these figures, according to a recent survey, nearly half of current college students have never used LinkedIn – typically thought of as the social network for job seekers. This seems like a wasted opportunity – for both students and LinkedIn. … Students are certainly experienced with social media, just not with LinkedIn. While a surprisingly low 46% of student have never used LinkedIn, 90% of the students surveyed “frequently or occasionally” use Facebook. Even for those students who are using LinkedIn, however, it’s still not a priority in their job search. … Colleges can do more to help. Most students, the survey claims, believe their college is failing to offer adequate networking opportunities.

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