In Beta: Brain Shift Radio Helps Listeners Improve Focus, Reduce Anxiety or Fall Asleep

For Immediate Release

Strong Institute
7 Avenida Vista Grande, Suite B7 #517
Santa Fe, NM 87508


Beth Kaplan Strong

In Beta: Brain Shift Radio Helps Listeners Improve Focus, Reduce Anxiety or Fall Asleep

The Strong Institute, leader in custom auditory brain stimulation programs, beta tests innovative streaming internet radio. Interactive and prescriptive, Brain Shift Radio helps users accomplish their goals

Santa Fe, NM. June 18, 2012 — It is beta test time for the streaming radio that provides the therapeutic benefits of improved focus, reduced anxiety, and a swifter drifting off to sleep. Created by the Strong Institute, the leading custom auditory brain stimulation research and therapy center, Brain Shift Radio redefines how music can help us. Brain Shift Radio offers episodic improvements in areas as diverse as sleep and calm, focus and energy. Brain Shift Radio streams the music as separate rhythm and ambient tracks, giving listeners unprecedented control over their experience.

“Simply put, you can take control of your brain,” said Jeff Strong, cofounder of Brain Shift Radio. “Brain Shift Radio is the world’s only interactive and prescriptive radio. Our years of research provide complete confidence in the therapeutic technology; what we are needing now is feedback on Brain Shift Radio’s ease of use and fun factor.” Beta testers can access the public beta at

Brain Shift Radio begins by asking users how they want their brain to shift. If, for example, a user selects ‘I want to focus’, the radio’s second question asks what degree of focus the user wants. Brain Shift Radio then generates a series of rhythm and ambient track pairs to accomplish this goal. Listeners are then able to mix the balance between these tracks and rate each track’s or the combination’s success. The system learns in response to user feedback, adjusting it’s presentations to reach the user’s goals.

By streaming the focusing tracks students and techies can sharpen their focus while studying and writing code. Or imagine the child who now falls asleep easily because Mom turned on his sleep track. Or the hordes who can reduce their anxiety by playing the calm tracks. As one beta tester said of her BSR experience, “Love the Brain Shift Radio!!! It’s absolutely wonderful. Sucks the anxiety right out of you!!!”

Technically speaking, Brain Shift Radio is the most advanced streaming internet music service available. “We thought it would be cool to separate the elements of the music so users can customize the experience even further.” said Jeff Strong. Brain Shift Radio has split out the rhythm and the ambient tracks, letting users modulate the impact of the rhythm and ambient components. BSR also encourages users to discover the subtleties of different rhythmic and ambient combinations. The possible therapeutic combinations are currently at 50,000 and growing every week. The Brain Shift Radio community will link each user to other members’ mixes. Users can save their mixes, rate them, and share them, building an entire community of custom created mixes.

Users have responded enthusiastically to the user-controlable mix options. Mark Hurwitz, a techie, reported, “Wow! I’m logged in. This is awesome! Just the feature of mixing tracks is awesome in itself. That almost makes it seems like a synth, or a cool app where you actually manipulate the song. It totally works. I’m excited to create some new ‘focus’ tracks to use while I work.”

Users can either rely on auto mode to let Brain Shift Radio select the rhythm and ambient mix for a foolproof method of meeting their current need (sleep or focus, for instance) or they can use manual mode to discover for themselves the perfect pairing. Either way, this is a completely new way to experience music. And it will take users wherever they want to go.

“Music is often used in prescriptive ways,” Strong said. “Brain Shift Radio takes it a few steps further and turns streaming radio on its ear. We’ve put the entertainment back into entrainment.” Streaming radio is indeed exciting these days, as the footprint tilts toward 100’s of millions of users. Many of them simply want to improve their focus. Or reduce their stress. Brain Shift Radio will help them accomplish their goals.

The Strong Institute, founded in 1994, is a leader in the field of custom auditory brain stimulation. Known primarily for their work with individuals on the autism spectrum, the institute also has a major impact in ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Traumatic brain injury, PTSD, and Sleep Disorders, among others. The Strong Institute’s mission is to utilize technology and data to research, develop, and deliver the best possible auditory brain stimulation programs for individuals with neurological disorders. And for those without. The REI Custom Program and Brain Shift Radio are the current manifestations of this mission. Please visit and for more information.


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