Teachscape Hosts Webinar for Schools of Education on Using Video to Improve Teacher Effectiveness

Kati Elliott
KEH Communications

Brian K. Fawkes

Teachscape Hosts Webinar for Schools of Education on Using Video to Improve Teacher Effectiveness

AACTE executive and leaders of clinical teacher preparation programs lead free webinar on April 17, 2012

SAN FRANCISCO, April 13, 2012 – Teachscape, the leader in delivering online professional learning content, innovative tools, and expert services to improve teaching practice, will host a free webinar for schools of education on the benefits of using video technology in clinical teacher preparation programs. The webinar, “Use Video Technology to Help Candidates Become More Effective Teachers,” will take place on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET. To register for the webinar, go to: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/669150226.

Susan Petroff, senior director of programs and development of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), will moderate the webinar with Drs. Sandra Mangano, dean of school of education at Gwynedd-Mercy College, and Doug Hamman, associate professor and director of teacher education at Texas Tech University, discussing the evolving approaches to clinical training programs and how video fits into the evolution.

During the webinar, Mangano and Hamman will discuss how their schools of education are structured; the clinical aspects of their programs and how they work; how and why they decided to integrate video into their clinical pre-service program; and, the things to consider when implementing video.

All webinar attendees will have a chance to win a Teachscape Reflect Mini Camera Kit with an iPod.

About Teachscape Reflect Video
Teachscape Reflect Video uses a robust online software platform to support professional growth, improve reflective learning, and strengthen teaching practice. With Reflect Video, educators can capture a complete lesson or lesson segment from any video-recording device. Video is stored securely and easily accessed via Teachscape’s web-based software to review, comment, and share the video with colleagues anytime, anywhere.

About Teachscape
Teachscape uniquely combines innovative technology, engaging content and expert services to develop great teachers. From its Classroom Walkthrough technology, to its powerful web-based content delivery platform, to its online masters programs, Teachscape’s award-winning products and services have been inspired by its dedication to sparking transformative change in teaching practice. Since 1999, Teachscape has worked with schools and school districts, charter networks, archdioceses, universities and state education departments to measurably and continuously improve the effectiveness of teachers and instructional leaders to produce gains in student achievement. Teachscape’s partners include Charlotte Danielson, ETS, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Stanford University, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Kogeto to help shape its vision, its products, and its strategies. To learn more about Teachscape and its complete collection of professional development offerings, go to http://www.teachscape.com.

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