Date My School identifies the nation’s ‘hottest’ colleges

Date My School is a website founded in November 2010 by two Columbia University MBA classmates, Balazs Aexa and Jean Meyer, to help students of universities meet both within and outside of their own schools, the Atlantic Wire reports. As Hannah Miet wrote in the New York Times last year, “Date My School offers a highly selective shortcut to love for students who are fluent in social media but too entrenched in their studies for much of an actual social life.”
It seems that the site has been a success. Date My School is now “the largest college dating website ever,” according to Shreshth Dugar, marketing director of the site, which counts its lifetime users as numbering nearly 100,000. “On any given night, there are more than 50,000 active users,” he says. They hail from more than 1,000 schools, but as Dugar explains, the site’s most solid presence comes from 80 schools, particularly in New York, where the site began, as well as the Ivy Leagues. “But we are doubling in size every month,” he adds…

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