To win over users, gadgets have to be touchable

Scientists and academics who study how we interact with technology say touch screens have seeped into people’s day-to-day existence more quickly and completely than other technological behaviors because it is so natural, intimate, and intuitive, reports the New York Times—and so now device makers in a post-iPhone world are putting touch at the core of the newest wave of computer design, known as natural user interface. Unlike past interfaces centered on the keyboard and mouse, natural user interface uses ingrained human movements that do not have to be learned. The latest example is a new line of Sony eReaders that the company will introduce Sept. 1. For the first time, all have touch screens; Sony decided on the technology after watching person after person in focus groups automatically swipe the screen of its older, non-touch eReaders. Research in Motion now makes touch-screen BlackBerrys, is expected to make a Kindle with a non-glare touch screen, and Garmin has introduced touch-screen GPS devices for biking, hiking, and driving. New Canon and Panasonic digital cameras have touch screens, and Diebold—which makes ATMs—says more than half the machines banks order today have touch screens…

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