The Guggenheim Museum is teaming up with YouTube in partnership with HP to discover the art of YouTube videos, ReadWriteWeb reports. Tasked with uncovering the “most creative video in the world,” the companies have launched an international search by way of YouTube Play, a specially branded YouTube channel that will feature the entries in this new competition. Anyone is invited to submit a video to YouTube Play, and the submission deadline is July 31. The videos may consist of animation, motion graphics, narrative, non-narrative, or documentary work, music videos, and even “entirely new art forms” that challenge the perception of what’s possible to do with video, says a blog post about the project. Two hundred of the leading videos will be selected for further attention by an international jury of experts from the worlds of art, design, film, and video. Twenty of those initial 200 videos then will be presented at the Guggenheim and will be made available for the world to see on the channel. The winning videos won’t receive a cash prize or other physical reward—but having a video showcased internationally in one of the world’s most famous art museums is a reward in and of itself, most would agree…
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