
ASU System to deploy CampusNexus Suite

Deployment will help institutions boost enrollment, retention, engagement.

campusnexis-suiteThree institutions in the Arkansas State University System (ASU System) have chosen CampusNexus – including CampusNexus Student; CampusNexus CRM and CampusNexus Finance, HR & Payroll, as well as Campus Management’s Fundraising solution – to more efficiently grow enrollment, increase retention, improve student engagement, share interdepartmental information and make data-driven decisions.

Campus Management’s technology will be used by every department across three Arkansas State University System institutions – Newport, Beebe and Mountain Home – with nine campuses in total, reaching over 6,000 students. All three of the ASU colleges shared an immediate goal to replace their legacy systems with new technology designed for the evolving needs of today’s students.

The solution will be delivered in Campus Management’s cloud environment, which will enable each institution to remain focused on strategic initiatives while Campus Management manages the infrastructure, security, reliability and system upgrades.

“ASU-Mountain Home is excited about the opportunity to implement Campus Management software,” said Dr. Robin Meyers, Chancellor at Mountain Home. “This system will provide us with a solution to enhance our overall operations and allow us to better serve our students. From recruitment and retention to alumni relations and advancement, we will now have the foundation we need for improving engagement across the student lifecycle.”

Jerry Carlisle, Vice Chancellor at ASU-Beebe added “The ASU-Beebe campus found that the CampusNexus suite of solutions provides the most value to our institution compared to other vendors in the ERP/SIS marketplace. We feel that the students’ higher education experience will be dramatically improved at our institution once Campus Management’s products and services are fully implemented and available for use.”

“ASU-Newport is looking forward to partnering with Campus Management to deploy a leading-edge student information system. Our college is convinced that Campus Management offers the system that will serve us the best as we look to increase the level of service to our students while increasing efficiency within our institution,” said Adam Adair, Vice Chancellor at Newport. “Campus Management will allow us to save costs while significantly upgrading our service to students.”

“As universities continue to experience greater competition for students and constantly evolving business models, Campus Management’s goal is to provide traditional institutions like those in the Arkansas State University System with the technology that puts them ahead of the curve when it comes to achieving growth, staying connected with students and operating efficiently,” said Jim Milton, CEO at Campus Management. “We understand that two-year institutions encounter significant enrollment shifts and budget constraints, yet are highly in tune with their community’s needs. Campus Management is delighted that these Arkansas colleges recognize the alignment of our solutions to their missions and needs.”

Material from a press release was used in this report.

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Laura Ascione