Net price calculators are hard to find, compare on college websites

Net price calculators – required on nearly all college web sites — let would-be students enter their personal information and get an estimate on the true cost of a specific college, including financial aid, not just the “sticker price,” says the Hechinger Report. Are College Net Price Calculators Easy to Find, Use and Compare? asks The Institute for College Access and Success. Not really, concludes the new Adding It All Up 2012 report: Based on an in-depth look at 50 randomly selected colleges’ calculators, tools are difficult for prospective college students and their families to find, use, and compare.

“While some were easy to find and use, others were buried on college websites, had dozens of daunting questions, or generated estimates that were confusing, misleading, or unnecessarily out-ofdate,” said Diane Cheng, author of the report…

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